Q & A’s
- Need help finding material? At his time we source our customers to DryStar Inc to help assist finding and purchasing material. Our companies have accounts with many popular vendors such as Arizona Tile, MSI, Bedrosians, and many more so you can find material you like and purchase it for less than showroom floor pricing!
- We accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards, Zelle or other form of electronic payment, and even bitcoin. Credit and debit cards are subject to a +3% final price increase. No deposit necessary to start a job unless finishing price exceeds $10,000
- It is preferred for customers to have cabinets already installed before making an appointment for an estimate, along with sinks on site at this time, this reduces the need for return trips. Faucets for vanities or sinks must be on site at time of installation. If you need to purchase sinks and have not purchased material, we recommend asking DryStar, HomeDepot, or your material provider for recommendations